This page runs zero JavaScript. It was completely statically generated. At the same time, I didn't use any existing static site generators, because they all suck I wanted to see how hard it'd be to write one from scratch.
That turned out to be very easy to do. Only took me a few hours to get everything up and running. The implementation is based on React's renderToStaticMarkup.
Thanks to using relative units for font size, all of this scales down very smoothly for smaller viewports.
Code blocks don't really need any syntax highlighting
, this is good enough:
type MyAwaited<T> = T extends Promise<infer R>
? MyAwaited<R>
: T extends { then: (onfulfilled: (value: infer S) => any) => any }
? MyAwaited<S>
: T;
Images are also supported:
Lists? Check them out:
- First item
- Second
- Third
- First sub-item
- Second
- Fourth
What is this?
Hello, world!
More text here.
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